Engineering: leader della Digital Transformation

Engineering Innovation in

Digital Defense, Aerospace & Homeland Security

ENSURESEC: end-to-end security for the e-commerce service ecosystem

Our socio-technical solution aiming at safeguarding e-commerce operations of the Digital Single Market against cyber and physical threats.

Approach & Solution

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Given that e-commerce is the primary pillar of the European Digital Single Market, the ENSURESEC research project builds a comprehensive security toolkit capable of guaranteeing a better access, involving different social actors, tackling fraud losses and establishing trust.

ENSURESEC’s overarching objective is to equip e-commerce infrastructures and ecosystems with through-life protection against cyber, physical and cyber-physical threats, including cascading effects. It contributes towards the vision of a reliable and trusted European Digital Single Market.

The project combines an automatic, rigorous, distributed and open-source toolkit for protecting e-commerce, with the monitoring of the impact of threats in physical space. It also foresees a campaign for training SMEs and citizens aimed at creating awareness and trust.
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ENSURESEC integrates the machine learning with the deductive reasoning tools and techniques so that e-commerce operations are protected both by design, and by the continuous monitoring, response, recovery and mitigation measures at run-time. Trust in the infrastructure’s operations among its users is established, ensuring transparency and integrity of the information and operations.

Engineering is responsible of the resilient-oriented situational awareness, information sharing and threat intelligence tools. Moreover, it leads the system architecture and integration planning and it is also strongly involved in the definition of the integrated platform.

The project has received co-funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 programme - Contract No 883242


Prevention by design and detection by monitoring

Response and mitigation of threats and incidents

Recovery of compromised interfaces

Continuous situational and impact analysis of threats and incidents

Training of SMEs and citizens

Project value

Process performance
Cost cutting

Enabling Technologies


Project Team

Research & Innovation