Engineering: leader della Digital Transformation

Engineering Innovation in


MES-CoBraD: Assessment & Management of Complex Brain Disorders

Our research project to improve diagnostic accuracy and therapeutic outcomes in people with Complex Brain Disorders.

Approach & Solution

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The procedures for the diagnosis and therapies management of the so-called “Complex Brain Disorders”, like dementia, epilepsy, sleep disorders and similar, are quite complex.

The main goal of the MES-CoBraD project is to deliver an open-source platform to collect heterogeneous health data, coming from sensors, questionnaires, diagnostic imaging and so on, in order to integrate and process them through ad-hoc created ML/AI algorithms.

The outcomes of this AI analysis will be shown through insights and dashboards that will support faster and a more accurate diagnosis. Caregivers will have a clearer idea about the therapy to administer to patients and doctors will be highly supported in the management of the entire therapeutic path.
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The MES-CoBraD Project aims at addressing all the challenges (clinical, research and technological) by developing a platform and its integrated precision medicine modules, and by ensuring its diagnostic accuracy, utility, feasibility, and acceptability. The platform will also provide a module (MES-CoBraD Expert System) which aims at improving personalized medicine approaches in real-world practice.

In the project, Engineering is both technical coordinator of the entire project and leader of the activities related to the creation of a common multi-source research data lake. Our goal is to make sure that the data from the real word is interoperable and available for analysis.

The project has received co-funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 programme - Contract No. 826183


Better and faster CoBraD diagnosis

Improved clinical and social prognostic accuracy

Automatic identification and evaluation of approved therapies

Project value


Enabling Technologies

AI Advanced Analytics

Engineering proprietary products & other technologies

Digital Enabler

Project Team

Research & Innovation