Engineering: leader della Digital Transformation

AI in the field of Healthcare

AI in the field of Healthcare

Engineering promotes the AIxIA online event dedicated to Artificial Intelligence in the Healthcare ecosystem.

September 22 2021

Artificial Intelligence has been used in the field of healthcare since the 1980s, with now historical examples.

Today we are witnessing the birth and diffusion of new tools that are proving to support the entire Healthcare Ecosystem: patient monitoring systems, wearable monitoring devices, systems for assisting diagnostics in the presence and at a distance, tools for controlling pandemic trends, support in the creation of drugs and vaccines and much more.

What are the success stories and the limitations of these tools?

We will talk about it on September 22nd at AI TALK: HEALTH, the second of the two live events organized by AIxIA and promoted by Engineering to introduce the November AI Forum.

For more info and registration: aiforumtalk.livetalk


Gli interventi in agenda con Engineering:

H 10:50 - AI to address the singularity of the COVID-19 pandemic phenomenon: concrete help in support of law enforcement policies.

Presented by
Marco Penovich - Responsabile Area Data & Advanced Analytics, Engineering
Michele Mongillo
 - Dirigente UO Prevenzione e Sanità Pubblica, Regione Veneto
Marco Breda
 - Head of Adv. Analytics Practice in Data & Analytics, Engineering

H 12:00 - Artificial Intelligence and the fight against the pandemic: active and ongoing initiatives to combat the pandemic

Roundtable with:

Arianna Cocchiglia - Director Innovation and Partnership Public Sector and Healthcare, Engineering 
Davide Bacciu
 - Professore associato,UNIPI - Segretario, AIxIA
Alfonso Gerevini - Professore Ordinario, Università di Brescia
Cosimo Accoto - Research affiliate, MIT Boston

Piero Poccianti - Presidente, Associazione Italiana per l’Intelligenza Artificiale (AIxIA)

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Events Department
Tel. (+39) 06-87591