Engineering: leader della Digital Transformation

Generative AI in Business: Transformative Strategies and Innovation

Generative AI in Business: Transformative Strategies and Innovation

Luiss Business School presents the Executive Programme Managing AI in collaboration with Engineering and Pi School.

September 11 2024

Luiss Business School, in collaboration with Engineering and Pi School, is hosting the webinar "Generative AI in Business: Transformative Strategies and Innovation", taking place on Wednesday, September 11th at 5:00 PM.

This event provides an opportunity to explore the transformative impact of generative AI on business strategies, with a focus on the benefits for executives and entrepreneurs.

Emanuele Cacciatore, Offering, Innovation, and Go-to-Market Director at Engineering Group, will engage in a discussion on these topics with Isabelle Andrieu, CEO of Pi School, and Sébastien Bratières, AI Director at Pi School and Translated, moderated by Paolo Cellini.

During the event, the Executive Programme in Managing Artificial Intelligence will also be introduced. This program, starting in October, is designed to train the future leaders in the field of artificial intelligence.

Sign up now: Webinar Generative AI in Business


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