Engineering: leader della Digital Transformation

Engineering heads European Pythia project

Engineering heads European Pythia project

The project will study technological solutions for the defense of the EU member states.

Rome, February 22 2018

Engineering – leading Italian company in Digital Transformation – will coordinate the first research project in the field of innovative technologies applied to defense (Strategic Technology Foresight) for EU member states.

The aim of the - Predictive methodologY for TecHnology Intelligence Analysis (PYTHIA) project is to support EU member countries and the EU in strategic planning of investment lines for technological research in the military field. An example is the growing interest in autonomous vehicles, in various forms such as Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGVs), Unmanned Maritime Vehicles (UMVs), Unmanned Surface Vehicles (USVs) and Unmanned Undersea Vehicles (UUVs).

Engineering will coordinate companies from Italy, Bulgaria, France, Poland, Romania and the United Kingdom, engaged in integrating proposed services and tools and developing their components such as automatic generation of scenarios and intelligent visualization of trends and forecasts on-demand.

Giuseppe Vella and Vito Morreale, Engineering's project coordinators, commented: “We are enthusiastic about coordinating this project, in the context of a very competitive European scenario, at a time we can define as historical for Europe. In fact, the foundations are being laid for the construction of the European Defense Research Program, foreseen in the framework of the EU's next multi-year financial plan".

More information on the European Defence Research Programme at this link.

Dario Avallone, Engineering Group's Research and Development Director, stressed how “assignment of responsibility for the PYTHIA project to Engineering is recognition of the leadership and reliability achieved by the company at European level, thanks to continuous investments in R&D. We are particularly proud that Italy has been entrusted with the leadership of a project like PYTHIA, which has such highly strategic value”.

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