Engineering: leader della Digital Transformation

Engineering Software Lab: projects and Investments in Serbia for the country's innovation

Engineering Software Lab: projects and Investments in Serbia for the country's innovation

Representatives of local Istitutions visit the offices in Belgrade to share growth and development projects.

Belgrade, November 15 2018

Nenad Popovic, Serbian Minister of Innovation and Technological Development, Carlo Lo Cascio, Ambassador of Italy in Serbia, and Romano Rossi, Vice President of Confindustria Serbia, visit the Engineering Software Lab offices to share growth and development projects.

A meeting was held today at Engineering's Belgrade office between Nenad Popovic, Serbian Minister of Innovation and Technological Development, Carlo Lo Cascio, Ambassador of Italy in Serbia and Romano Rossi, Vice President of Confindustria Serbia, and the Group's top management. Welcoming them was the President and founder of Engineering Ingegneria Informatica, Michele Cinaglia, and Orazio Viele, Technical, Innovation and Research Director General, alongside Paolo Di Bella, Sole Director of Engineering Software Lab.

Engineering has been present in Serbia since 2014, and due to its bordering geographical and strategic position with respect to the entire Balkan area, its culture and, above all, its high-level professional figures, the company has found in Serbia the ideal territory for developing a nearshore software Lab that works closely with the automotive team of the Turin branch. Over time, business has rapidly expanded to include the Healthcare, Industry and Public Enterprises sectors. In fact, Serbia represents a new growth area in which to pool the local entrepreneurial economy with the more than 30-year experience of the Group, today the leader in digital transformation in Italy and in strong growth on international markets.

With over 1 billion euro in turnover in 2017 and 10,500 employees, Engineering is at the forefront of promotion of a new digital culture in all the sectors in which it operates, from Public Administration to Finance, Telecommunications and Industry. A digital culture which it promotes not only through cutting-edge technological solutions but also through an important and constant work of training of its own resources and those of its customers, for whom it has dedicated a real school which, with 200 teachers and almost 400 specialized courses, provides over 20,000 training days a year with over 300 courses.

Engineering Software Lab started its business only a few years ago with a team of 15 people. Thanks to the incisive policies promoted by the Serbian government to encourage the digitization of companies and the development of skills, the Company – recognizing the opportunities offered by the territory – has invested by bringing the number of professionals employed to 130, with the aim of reaching 200.

With an average age of 27, the growth of Engineering in the country also represents a real opportunity for young Serbs, who can find an opportunity for entering the world of work through a multinational institution that offers opportunities for gaining international experience in highly strategic technological sectors.

Serbia's Minister of Innovation and Technological Development Nenad Popović said: “This is a good example of how cooperation with Italian companies can offer the opportunity for our young people to learn and develop many skills in the IT sector, a growing field in which there will be many jobs. It is very important to create the conditions for companies to be able to innovate and that is why we invest many resources in developing an innovative ecosystem in Serbia. All this has the aim of offering foreign and national companies the best opportunities to produce their services for the whole world and to use the potential of Serbian engineers and computer scientists in the best possible way. I am very grateful to the Ambassador of Italy who supports and invites Italian companies to come to Serbia to make investments; we have excellent cooperation. And once again I point to Engineering as an excellent example of an Italian company which, in the best possible way, offers Serbia a new culture of IT production services and opens the European market to our professionals”.

Michele Cinaglia, founder and President of Engineering, commented: “I recognize in the country and in the policies that Minister Nenad Popovic is promoting all the conditions for implementing an important process of digitization, and therefore of growth, of the territory and of enterprises. We are here to seize and create opportunities, sharing and putting at the service of enterprises the important experience gained, to support the Serbian economic system in that delicate and strategic evolution that all countries are facing and the effectiveness of which will depend on their ability to be competitive on global markets”.

Carlo Lo Cascio, Ambassador of Italy in Serbia, commented: "We can say that there is excellent collaboration between Serbia and Italy in the commercial and economic fields. Italian companies are present in virtually all sectors of the Serbian economy and thanks to the presence of Engineering Software Lab we are active in the field of technological innovation, a strategic area for the future of this country. I thank Michele Cinaglia, who represents the company that made the investment and gave life to this reality”.

Orazio Viele, Engineering's Technical, Innovation and Research Director General, added: “Each year, we invest 30 million euro in research and development and we are the leader in many European experimentation projects. The exchange that we can nurture between the parent company and our offices in Belgrade affects many of the areas we are presiding over and the quality of the skills we are finding on the territory gives me further certainty of this”.

Romano Rossi, Vice President of Confindustria Serbia, commented: “We as Confindustria have the duty both to bring new investors to Serbian and to create the conditions for those already present to operate at their best. I conclude by underlining how the close collaboration with local authorities and our diplomacy can achieve excellent results and Engineering Software Lab is the concrete confirmation of this”.


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