The integration will allow Engineering to enhance the Augmented City and Smart Transportation offer through high added value IT skills and solutions which Kiunsys has fine-tuned for developing advanced sustainable and efficient urban mobility systems, both in Italy and abroad.
All Municipalities now have the opportunity to launch advanced Smart Mobility systems thanks to the Project Financing which a solid reality like Municipa can offer: from the capital for starting the project to a management that shares risks and opportunities.
Municipia S.p.A. – a subsidiary of Engineering, among the leading global companies which accompanies and guides public and private companies through Digital Transformation - has acquired 100% of Kiunsys, a company born as a spin-off of the University of Pisa and an innovative start-up, specialized in the design and production of hardware, software and Internet of Things technologies designed to implement advanced Smart Mobility, Smart Parking and City Logistics projects.
Municipia, which only a few months ago completed the acquisition of INFOR – a software house which operates in the development and supply of information systems for local administrations, thus continues its path of growth and diversification of the services offered to Municipalities and their subsidiaries. A path which is in line with the evolution of Engineering’s offer, focused on accelerating the digitalization processes of the Public Administration at all levels, favoring the rapid transition towards new Smart and Augmented City identities.
Kiunsys is a true Italian excellence. With a focus on urban mobility services, it has been able to demonstrate great skill in the development of advanced solutions for their management. Thanks to its capacity for innovation and execution, with numerous national and European research projects to its credit, the Kiunsys solutions are already operational in over 80 cities, including Hamburg, Bucharest, Florence, Mantua, Milan, Naples, Parma, Pisa and Verona, and provide services to tens of millions of citizens. The important players who have chosen to rely on Kiunsys also include Deutsche Telekom AG, in particular for managing the PARK & JOY parking payment system, and Fès, a Moroccan city with over one million residents, which has chosen Kiunsys technology for the entire management of its urban mobility and parking systems.
With a package of over 20 urban mobility services connected to sophisticated sensor systems, the Kiunsys solutions allow managing entry to ZTL (restricted traffic area) areas, parking areas, the granting of permits, transit and parking regulations, as well as all the digital information and payment channels, according to the specific parameters established by the administrations. An offer which aims to improve the level of livability and hospitality of the city, which increases citizens’ willingness to contribute financially, as has already been demonstrated by the experience gained, provides positive effects for commercial activities, significantly reduces urban traffic, pollution levels and oil consumption, and which increases the propensity to use intermodal services and digital information and ticketing.
As Stefano De Capitani, Chairman and General Manager of Municipia, emphasized: “The path to sustainable urban development is no longer an option, but an obligatory choice to contribute to mitigate the effects of pollution and to contain energy consumption. The acquisition of the young company Kiunsys allows Municipia to offer cities the overall management of urban mobility under a public-private partnership, which means that thanks to a Project Financing model we can support the administration by financing the costs of implementing the project and by sharing risks and opportunities. Moreover, the operation follows the open innovation approach which our Group has always believed in. For Municipia it represents the opportunity to accelerate the expansion of its offer, integrating new services with a high level of quality and reliability. Extremely flexible and customizable services based on the many and ever-changing needs of local administrations. At the same time, thanks to our solid presence within the territories, we can offer Kiunsys the possibility of greatly amplifying the positive effects generated by their services".
Paolo Lanari, founder and CEO of Kiunsys added: "Becoming part of Municipia and, more in general, of the Engineering Group, represents a milestone and a new starting point for us. By combining our specific experience with the significant skills in relation to the processes and with the many other Group tools and services, we are certain that we can continue our mission to improve the quality of life as well as the relationship between citizens and local administrations, both on a national and an international scale".