We aim to realize a more effective and sustainable government system, starting from core processes all the way to the design and implementation of the new digital citizenship.
Engineering for "Government" aims to achieve the complete digital transformation of the processes of the Public Administration through the adoption of a user-centered approach towards the end users of the services provided: with strategic change consultancy, dedicated and multi-channel IT solutions, open and interoperable Data & Analytics platforms.
We offer solutions and services capable of accompanying the entire innovation life cycle: from consultancy for the definition of the Digital Agenda policy strategy, to the adoption of participatory design for the creation of solutions and for the re-engineering of organizational models. From the implementation of the solutions, to the governance of the systems and services in outsourcing and for the monitoring of the quality of the same. Up to the guarantee of the complete "by design" reuse of all our solutions which, in this way, effectively contribute to making the various ecosystems defined by the IT Plan in the Public Administration sustainable, standard and interoperable.
The forced acceleration of Digital Transformation in the public sector due to the pandemic, along with the opportunities linked to the PNRR, is opening up an extraordinary and long-awaited opportunity for change within Public Administration that can no longer be postponed.
Technologies that only a few years ago seemed "cutting-edge" are now being closely considered by the public sector, with some experiences nearing the transition from prototype to actual implementation.
All Digital Transformation processes are reshaping the citizen's user experience, making it essential to consider operational and organizational models that enhance interaction.
To learn more, read our White Paper.
We design a more effective and sustainable government system, from core processes to the new digital citizenship.
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5 questions to... Dario Buttitta
Interview with the Executive Vice President Public Sector & Healthcare of Engineering.
Engineering e AWS: a strategic agreement to accelerate the companies and Public Sector Cloud Transformation
The strengthening of the agreement with Amazon Web Services increases the Tech Excellence of the Group and its ability to support companies in the creation of digital ecosystems with which to innovate their business. Engineering will also participate as Diamond Sponsor at the AWS Summit (Milan, 22 June)
5 questions to... Dario Buttitta
Interview with the Executive Vice President Public Sector & Healthcare of Engineering.
Engineering e AWS: a strategic agreement to accelerate the companies and Public Sector Cloud Transformation
The strengthening of the agreement with Amazon Web Services increases the Tech Excellence of the Group and its ability to support companies in the creation of digital ecosystems with which to innovate their business. Engineering will also participate as Diamond Sponsor at the AWS Summit (Milan, 22 June)
ComoLake 2024
The Great Challenge.
Lombardia Digital Summit 2024
Engineering is the main partner of the event organized by The Innovation Group.
Digital Italy Summit
Engineering Gold Sponsor at the 9th Edition of the Summit
ComoLake 2024
The Great Challenge.
Lombardia Digital Summit 2024
Engineering is the main partner of the event organized by The Innovation Group.
Digital Italy Summit
Engineering Gold Sponsor at the 9th Edition of the Summit
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