Engineering: leader della Digital Transformation

Who We Are

The Digital Transformation Company

Leading client’s transformation towards digital ecosystems.


Engineering is the Digital Transformation Company, leader in Italy and expanding its global footprint, with around 15,000 associates, with over 80 offices spread across Europe, the United States, and South America and global delivery. 

The Engineering Group, consisting of over 70 companies in 14 countries, has been supporting the continuous evolution of companies and organizations for more than 40 years, thanks to a deep understanding of business processes in all market segments, fully leveraging the opportunities offered by advanced digital technologies and proprietary solutions. 

With a strong and relentless focus on Innovation, through our R&I division that comprises over 450 researchers and data scientists (and a global innovation network of universities, startups, and research firms), the Group continues to invest in international R&D projects while exploring groundbreaking technologies and developing new business solutions. The Group continuously invests in human capital, with the internal “Enrico Della Valle” IT & Management Academy, which provides continuous upskilling and reskilling paths for both company employees and stakeholders, with over 32,000 training days per year. 

The Engineering Group boasts a diversified portfolio built around proprietary solutions, best-of-breed market solutions, and managed services, and continues to expand its expertise through M&As and partnerships with leading technology players. Our 40+ years presence in all market segments (from Finance to Healthcare, from Utilities to Manufacturing and many more) has allowed us to build deep knowledge of business needs and anticipate them by exploring constantly the evolution of technologies, especially in the field of Cloud, Cybersecurity, Metaverse, Artificial Intelligence and Data. 

This unique approach positions Engineering as a key player in the creation of digital ecosystems that bridge the gap between different markets, while developing composable solutions that ultimately foster a continuous Business transformation. 

Engineering at a Glance:
a Global Company


FY2023 Pro-forma


In 80+ offices
around the world


Companies within the Group


Proprietary solutions for all market sectors


Competence centers


Years of growth

  • 3 Data Centers
  • 20 000 Petabyte data handled
  • 22 000 Servers managed
  • 250 000 Workplaces managed
  • Tier IV Certification
  • 15 000~ Associates
  • 80+ Offices around the world
  • Global HQ Rome, Italy
  • Worldwide Delivery
  • Based in Europe, North America, Latin America
Research & Innovation
  • 6 Research Labs
  • 130+ Live Research Projects
  • 500+ Research Projects carried out
  • 40 Mil € Investments
  • 450+ Data Scientists & Researchers
  • Our Own Academy
    IT & Management Academy “Enrico Della Valle”
  • 32 000 Traning Days / year
  • 1 300+ Professional certification issued every year

Our History of Success
and Growth

Select a year to learn more
Organic growth initiatives
External growth initiatives
Key Event
* Pro forma
  • 1980/2000

    From Projects to Solutions

    We work on data, transforming our projects into reusable solutions. We invest in Research and create an Academy to grow our people’s skills.

  • 2000/2008

    Across All Verticals

    We combine business knowledge with our technological and process competences. A number of acquisitions bring us into several market verticals.

  • 2008/2018

    A Global Player

    We launch and consolidate our internationalization strategy, creating new sites in Brazil, Serbia, USA and Germany.

  • 2018/Today

    Digital Champions

    We expand and refine our offering on digital technologies, while entering new markets thanks to our digital platforms.

  • 9m
  • 178m
  • 718m
  • 918m
  • 1,2bn
  • 1,6bn *