Case Study

IT infrastructure management in integrated water service

A strategic partnership for digital innovation in water service.

Where: italy
Acque Bresciane is a public benefit company, established in 2017 to manage the Integrated Water Service in the Province of Brescia. It serves 113 municipalities and over 695,000 inhabitants. The challenges facing the Manager concern: guaranteeing the quality of the water service to users, identify a full outsourcer to manage the new in-house infrastructure, delivering IT services with measurable quality levels.
We at Engineering met the client's needs with the involvement of Engineering D.HUB. the group's reference company in IT management, with over 850 professionals. Thanks to the experience and expertise gained in similar contexts, related transition and operation management services were activated, with the addition of onsite Help Desk support for workplace management services.
After a handover and transition phase necessary to assess the correct organizational solutions to effectively and securely launch the planned services, the team took charge of IT infrastructure management: - Services with patch management, security & release management, overall governance and monitoring reporting on equipment, software applications, telephony and mobile devices, databases, domains and workstations in addition to a cloud-based disaster recovery service, with monthly measurement of very stringent quantitative and qualitative SLAs - Processes: Change Management, Incident Management, Performance & Capacity Management, Configuration Management prepared using ITIL methodology.

Ensuring the uptime of the customer's personnel

Adaptation of reliability and disaster recovery policies

High level of service quality.


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