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Managing master data with blockchain

Tracking data and optimizing their visualization on the portal using blockchain: our project to manage the master information of FNOMCeO members.

Approach & Solution

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The FNOMCeO (Federazione Nazionale degli Ordini dei Medici Chirurghi e degli Odontoiatri - National Federation of the Orders of Surgeons and Dentists) needed a new system to manage the master data of its members.

We were asked to design and carry out a solution that implements registration mechanisms on blockchain, for the tracking and historicisation of master data related to the members of the Provincial Orders of Surgeons and Dentists of the FNOMCeO, and their availability via different mechanisms: web portal, API and direct access to smart-contract.


The project involved the implementation of blockchain technology for the registry flows management. It fully meets the expressed needs and has several advantages and strengths:
  • on-chain registration based on autonomous smart contracts that can be directly accessed by infrastructure nodes and other authorized applications on the infrastructure to ensure maximum availability and transparency
  • access and search of historical data via 3 different mechanisms (public web portal, authenticated APIs, smart contract functions)
  • parsing, validation and adapting of master flows on off-chain component to ensure maximum efficiency and flexibility
  • multi-layer architecture that can be replicated thanks to the full automation of the multistage building and deployment pipeline.

For the implementation of the solution, we also used some AWS solutions, in particular Amazon EC2 and Amazon S3.


Better tracking of surgeon and ophthalmologist master data

More controlled management of interchange information flows

Optimization of information publication and consultation on Portal

Project value

Process performance

Enabling Technologies


Engineering proprietary products & other technologies


Project Team

Public Administration