Engineering: leader della Digital Transformation

Engineering Innovation in

Digital Media & Communication


RAI: An unprecedented User Experience

Simply spread the vast heritage of RAI content on web and mobile platforms was not enought. A management of the implementatiton and of the user experience was needed. And we did it.

Approach & Solution



Rai owns a very extensive and valuable library of content, the valorisation of which has always represented a challenge at corporate level.

On one hand, the company has to guarantee its effective and efficient management, while on the other, Rai's mission is to make these contents captive for the user, improving a customised user experience by guaranteeing quality and the possibility to reach them on demand and in mobility (Anywhere & Anytime).


Our client needed a partner who could help them make their content available on new platforms and in mobility, encoding them in a language more suited to modern devices. Since September 2020, we have been working on the development of apps and web portals that make this content available to the end user. The areas where we are involved are backend, frontend and mobile.

The project strategy was immediately directed towards the creation of flexible, multi-skilled teams capable of guaranteeing both quality and sustainability to the service and of adapting quickly to the client's requirements. The development methodology chosen is Agile.

Today Engineering supports Rai in the following activities:
  • Defining evolutionary guidelines for the CMS and frontend
  • Providing users with a seamless experience across all platforms
  • Developing software and updates that improve the use of apps on other devices
  • Redefining Players to optimise performance while using apps
  • Code analysis and rewriting, library management for app optimisation on smartphones, tablets and smart TV, SEO services for RaiNews and RaiPlay


Increased Client satisfaction

Improved mobile component

Increased automated analysis capabilities

Improved user experience

Project value

Process performance

Project Team

Telco & Media
Digital Experience