Research Project

ATLANTIS (AI-based plaTform for LAw eNforcement inTelligence and InveStigation)

An AI base platform that integrates tools to support Intelligence and Digital Forensic activities

Where: international
The Homeland Security Research Unit investigate issues related to public safety through a multidisciplinary approach. Among their objectives is that of defining technological solutions to identify and seize challenges and opportunities determined by the technological, methodological and procedural gap of the Police Forces.
Hence, a technological platform has been developed, with advanced services for searching and acquiring heterogeneous data from Internet (including Deep Web and Darknet), allowing the extraction of threats, events and clues during the acquisition of non-structured data. This information is subject to comparative analyses for Intelligence activities and to rebuild investigative hypotheses for forensic purposes.
Digital Ecosystem
Digital Ecosystem
It integrates tools supporting Intelligence and Digital Forensic processes: from data extraction for investigations, to file export for trials. It includes: - SONAR (SOurce iNtegration And monitoRing) framework for searching for information on the Internet - MARLENE solution (Multilingual nAtuRal Language procEssiNg framEwork) to analyze textual content from Surface & Deep Web, Darknet - Knowledge Graph and ERIN (sEcuRIty patterN discovery Framework) - Investigative Hypothesis Management to rebuild & validate hypotheses - Chain of Custody and Evidence to ensure data use for forensic purpose - Collaborative application in Intelligence and Forensic field.

To know more

STARLIGHT: Artificial Intelligence to fight against high priority threats

Better data analysis and management: a project to equip law enforcement agencies with secure and resilient AI technologies and tools.

Use Case

Enable Traceability for AgriFood

How to use digital technologies to improve food chain traceability

Easy and Invisible Payment Experience

How to use “invisible payments” to make the shopping experience easier