
We redesign healthcare by digitising processes and leveraging innovative technologies, to improve patient care, quality of work of medical operators and the overall sustainability of healthcare systems.

Engineering for "Healthcare" aims to create an integrated offer to cover the entire treatment process, from prevention to patient monitoring, to personal services: to ensure the proactive management of the patient-citizen with multi-channel solutions and the use of new technologies (eg IoT, IA & Analytics) and the guarantee of the security of personal data.

The specific portfolio of services offered by the Group is characterised by the fact that it covers all the phases and fields of hospital and local processes with regard to their clinical, administrative and governance aspects.

Portfolio Map


Manage demands of non-emergency healthcare services/activities, scheduling available resources and requests (by general practitioners & pharmacies web portals, personal apps, call centres, front desks, etc.). Manage Emergency Medical Services - EMS (local & regional networks), coordinating activities (calls, triage, mobile communication, navigation, etc.) and resources (vehicles, hospitals, competencies, local authorities, etc.). Manage all administrative information and logistical activities of patient's journey, integrating it with the clinical workflow and general administrative processes. Manage all activities of laboratory analysis (also multi-laboratory and multi-organizations models), through complete support of every single operation, samples tracking, instrumentation integration, reports, etc. Manage all activities of anatomical pathological laboratory (and multi-laboratory), from identification of the sample, through the guided management and tracking of processing phases, up to the production of the report. Manage all activities related to the blood transfusion (for single organization or geographical area services): donors, exams, therapies, analytical tools, blood banks, data analysis, etc. Support clinical professionals – in a proactive and specialized fashion – in all patient care activities (diagnosis, treatments, monitoring, etc.) and clinical wards management. Supports all operational and administrative nursing activities, from definition of work plans, to record of activities carried out (treatments, drugs administration, communications, etc.). Supports all activities related to drugs management, integrating prescription, safe administration and logistics. Manage and connect activities and services carried out at local level for continuous assistance to patients suffering with one or more persistent diseases and their prevention. Manage and connect activities to sick, disabled or elderly people carried out at their home (through professionals and telehealth services), from planning to execution and monitoring. Manage and connect multiple local health services to people or communities: primary care, vaccinations, screening, environmental monitoring, food controls, nursing homes, rehabilitation and assistance centers, etc. Manage accounting and financial processes in a specialized way for healthcare organizations, integrating them with clinical and administrative ones. Manage the entire supply chain processes of all goods, from forecasting of needs to distributing in individual departments. Manage human resources processes in specialized way for healthcare organizations: attendance, payroll, organization, education, career, etc. Implement data-centered platforms for proactive and continuous governance of the health needs of the whole population or specific groups. Enable the implementation of clinical guidelines to improve coordination and continuity of care along different clinical pathways. Design and integrate Telehealth services permanently and extensively with all health processes: cure, care, relationships, training, etc. Design and manage new types of omnichannel services for relationship and collaboration with citizens-patients and professionals. Support – in an active and structured way – healthcare professionals in clinical decision-making processes, through the most advanced data analysis technologies. Implement big data technology to evolve the clinical and management processes of healthcare. Implement strategies and tools to governance the various types of risk in healthcare organizations: clinical, biological, environmental, accidents, digital (cybersecurity), insurance, financial, etc. Implement strategies and tools for by-design & by-default personal information management, in compliance with the regulations (GDPR) but also with opportunities of data usage. Services aimed to design, implement, transform, optimize and operate technology and cloud solutions. Services aimed to enhance, evolve and support end users in the adoption and use of business and technology solutions in the modern workplace. Services aimed to ensure the optimal coverage of Clients' business needs through technology. Services aimed to design, develop, implement and maintain omnichannel (including mobile) applications for connected devices. Services aimed to design software applications and services focusing on the quality of user experience and interfaces. Services aimed to design and implement Clients' strategies related to brand, online positioning and multimedia.
The Digital Transformation of Healthcare: comprehensive and specialized

Extracting value from data is the key enabler that meets the informational intensity required by new models and tools for care and treatment. Thanks to a data-driven approach, all stakeholders in the Health System can easily access the information needed not only to treat but also to care for the patient.

The Digital Transformation of Healthcare must be comprehensive and specialized. Only through digitalization that spans all areas and processes of healthcare can the true potentials of Digital Transformation in healthcare be activated and unleashed, without informational gaps or “paper-based legacies.” And only through highly specialized digital solutions can the quality of care and organizational models evolve.

To learn more, read our White Paper.


Redesigning a new healthcare for cure, care and prevention.

Press Release

Engineering in partnership with Almaviva has been assigned the National Telemedicine Platform

The National Platform will allow for greater integration between regional health services, improving the quality and access to care for people across the entire national territory, in line with the objectives set out by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan in the Digital Health sector.

Press Release

Digital health: agreement between Engineering and Novartis for the innovation of the health ecosystem in line with the objectives of the PNRR

Three-year agreement between the two groups, leaders respectively in the digitization of processes and in medical and scientific research, for the development of innovative projects and solutions in support of the Regions and the NHS to achieve the objectives indicated by the PNRR in the digital health.

Press Release

Leonardo and Engineering, together to accelerate the country's digital transition

A strategic partnership Agreement has been signed to support digitalization and cybersecurity strategies of Private Sector and Public Administration.

ComoLake 2024

The Great Challenge.

Healthcare Innovation Forum

Engineering at the third edition of the Healthcare Innovation Forum.

Lombardia Digital Summit 2024

Engineering is the main partner of the event organized by The Innovation Group.