13 April 2023 • Rome

Distretto Italia: "Together we become future"

Engineering at the event organized by ELIS, which brings together over 30 companies committed to offering young people guidance and training to enter the world of work.

10:00 - 13:00


To orient young people to the choices of study and work, to train them and to insert them in the companies. This is the goal of Distretto Italia, a project promoted by the ELIS Consortium, which involves more than 30 companies, employment agencies and other bodies, united in the commitment to overcome a paradox (not only Italian)On the one hand, it sees millions of young people not having confidence in the possibility of finding their own way, and on the other, many businesses failing to hire the skilled technicians they need.

Engineering, which has just launched an impressive hiring plan with which it plans to enter 1900 new resources for 2023, knows the importance of offering young talent opportunities for work paths strongly oriented to training. With this conviction he joined Distretto Italia and will participate with his CEO Maximo Ibarra at the event "Together we become the future", which will be held in Rome next April 13.

The objective of the event - which will also see the participation of Adolfo Urso, Minister of Enterprise and Made in Italy, and Andrea Abodi, Minister for Sport and Youth - is to start the orientation and training activities designed on the basis of the employment needs of 10,000 jobs, as identified by the Distretto Italia study centre, to be covered in the construction, digitalization, energy and telecommunications sectors.

Read the Agenda
Visite the website of Distretto Italia


13 April 2023 • Rome

Type: In presence

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