Engineering: leader della Digital Transformation

Engineering Innovation in

Smart Energy & Utilities

Realizing the digital transformation on business models and processes along the entire E&U value chain by leveraging our expertise on core processes knowledge and by supporting our customers in the creation of new and reliable business paradigms.

Portfolio Map

Smart Energy & Utilities

Manage any form of commercial documents issued by a seller or a buyer in the energy market. Manage the whole energy network and the exchanges that take place in this field. Collect, process and treat gas emitted from decomposing garbage to produce any other form of energy. Generate electricity and/or heat from the primary treatment of waste. Manage the storage of physical assets to gain complete control and obtain maximum capacity of energy production/extraction. Develop, operate, maintain, upgrade and dispose assets, both tangible and intangible, in the most cost-effective manner. Manage and maintain a productive and efficient workforce on the field. Predict consumer behaviour and optimize product availability and price to maximize revenue growth. Manage and control information and systems at this stage of the value chain through a control system architecture. Balance energy supply of available inputs with targeted outputs through economic planning. Forecast, plan for and manage the demand for gas or electricity and their exchanges on the market. Manage energy assets both physical, as production and storage facilities, or intangible, as stocks exchanged on the market. Emission trading linked to carbon dioxide (i.e. certificates that can be placed and exchanged directly on the market) Manage any form of commercial documents issued by a seller or a buyer in the energy market. Manage gas storage capacity sold to customers who then continue the process of gas transportation. Plan activities according to storage capacities, in compliance with the rules of the authority. Manage gas capacity sold during the process of both gas or water storage and consequently gas transportation Manage and maintain a productive and efficient workforce on the field. Manage physical means of transportation, whether related to power or water or any other product. Measure the quantity of energetic means transported in compliance with regulatory rules. Manage and maintain a productive and efficient workforce on the field. Manage and control information and systems at this stage of the value chain through a control system architecture. Share data and information between workers to deliver a higher quality service to the customer. Process meter data for time-of-use-based billing plans for households and commercial / industrial clients of power, gas and water. Automate all processes and activities that don't have to be carried out manually. Manage the final stage of energy transportation that links high level transportation to end-users and make Energy Distribution channels easily accessible to third parties. Deliver high quality services in supply management, operating according to the Compliance programme planned for distribution system operators. Manage both regular and extraordinary maintenance to preserve the quality of distribution system operations, maximizing uptime through preventive maintenance. Enable communication between energy producers and consumers, integrating data from Distribution network (meters, electric vehicles, all other device connected to users) and distributing energy in efficient way. Provide all elementary building blocks for the offering framework, simulating a detailed list of the inventory store that contains all data related to products, which can be viewed by each customer before making a purchasing decision. Support system operators to create new utilities’ products and services to improve and go beyond customer retention, in highly competitive marketplace. Manage payments made by customers who receive a service, as heating, or products, as gas or electicity. Manage the final stage of energy transportation that links the high level transportation to the end-users. Provide high level quality on continuity of supply and commercial services, according to the Quality regulation on Wholesale Energy Market. Support business divisions of system operators on their processes for selling product and services. Profile customers into groups based on common characteristics so other companies can target each group, effectively and appropriately. Customers are segmented according to a wide range of factors (products already purchased, service/ product orientation, needs, interests, ...). Collect IOT data from any kind of source collected both at home (electric signal, smart speaker, home automation, …) and in mobility (top-up columns, other public sensors), related to each customer. Manage a combination of physical and virtual data from federated sources that enables a new environment based on intelligent data from analytics and algorithms. Manage a wide range of services that can be implemented based on IOT data collected from different sources that affects both energy and other data category to be used by customers. Design and produce services and products that meet customer's individual requirements, developing a strong connection with final customers (recommendations suggestions, promotions). Ensure compliancy with regulatory evolutions, adapting to related transformations. Measure, process, and communicate financial information concerning companies operating in the energy field. Manage the storage of physical assets used to produce energy or to transport it. Services aimed to design, implement, transform, optimize and operate technology and cloud solutions. Services aimed to enhance, evolve and support end users in the adoption and use of business and technology solutions in the modern workplace. Services aimed to ensure the optimal coverage of Clients' business needs through technology. Services aimed to design, develop, implement and maintain omnichannel (including mobile) applications for connected devices. Services aimed to design software applications and services focusing on the quality of user experience and interfaces.

Trend Radar

Eng Outlook 2024

How can we evolve together? Discover in the interviews with our Business and tech leaders on current trends and big challenges.


Normative Observatory

Engineering provides support for the regulatory adoption process through constant monitoring of the Energy & Utility regulatory framework.
Our expertise and promptness help companies stay updated on all the latest developments in the sector.


Client Stories

ENGIE: a customer service always connected

To develop customer-centric solutions spanning renewable energy services and personalized technical support, adopting suitable intelligent technology is crucial.


Client Stories

ReLife: a new group ERP with SAP S/4Hana

Modern countries are increasingly focusing on climate and environmental issues. This drive is pushing for a significant reduction in waste and proper management to achieve the end of waste and revitalize urban areas.


Client Stories

Digital payment platform for Plenitude

Cloud plays a crucial role in facilitating digital payments and supporting the ecological and digital transition within the utility and energy sectors, while also driving continuous innovation in customer experiences.


Client Stories

Enegan: betting on renewable energy

Together with Engineering, the Italian trading company created a system to support transactions of energy produced from renewable sources. Combining business and sustainability

Instant Paper

Renewable Energy Management

Learn about Renewable Efficiency Management System, Engineering's composable platform for managing renewable energy and Energy Communities.


Instant Paper

Water Management

Discover our end-to-end approach applied to business processes and operational activities designed to manage and reduce water losses.

Instant Paper

Heating Management

Discover Engineering's composable platform for district heating: an end-to-end approach applied to business processes and operations.

Instant Paper


The National Recovery and Resilience Plan is a great opportunity to accelerate and build Italy's future, together.


Case Study

Digital transformation in Etra's water and environmental management

The Veneto-based multi-utility launches the Etra4Future program by adopting Engineering's new Net@2A Suite for water and environmental hygiene management.

Instant Paper

OT Security

Designing and implementing technological and process solutions to reach industrial plants and operational infrastructures' Cyber resilience, by protecting their operativity and integrity.

Trend Radar


Find out all about the Metaverse, the enabling technologies, the business opportunities and our experiences.


Case Study

A reliable and flexible system of digital payments for AMAP

With NET@PAY we support the collection and payment processes for the municipalities within the metropolitan city of Palermo, offering a flexible and secure solution that conforms with the AGID directive and PagoPA circuit.

White Paper

Smart Energy & Utilities

We evolve business models and processes along the entire energy chain, according to the paradigms of Digital Transformation.


Case Study

Change Management at the service of Energy

For twenty years our Change Management team has accompanied the change processes of one of the main Italian energy players.


Case Study

Smart management of water supply

Our DiVE platform and IoT technology to manage the assets monitoring of an important Italian multiutility.


Case Study

End-to-end processes for 2i Rete Gas

Managing 4.5 million redelivery points in a very efficient way: 2i Rete Gas can do it thanks to our technological and business competences.


Research Project

inteGRIDy: a scalable cross-functional platform connecting energy networks

Integrated and cross-functional smart GRID solutions for optimized synergetic energy distribution.

Focus On

Digital Workplace

We transform the way we work, learn and collaborate through digital platforms, in total security, anywhere, anytime.

White Paper


Cybersecurity protects and enables your organization as it embraces Digital Transformation.

White Paper

Cloud - White Paper

Evolving, enabling, extending your business through Cloud.

White Paper

Digital Transformation

Leading our customers towards a new economy of digital ecosystems.

White Paper

The New Normal

Building together a post Covid-19 world.

White Paper


Engineering Blockchain solutions enable the Digital Transformation of public and private organizations.

White Paper

AI & Advanced Analytics

Simplifying complexity to face the future by giving voice to your most precious asset: data.

White Paper


The key to transform the real world into data, creating new ecosystems of knowledge.

White Paper

Robotic Process Automation

Process automation to enhance the human component of work 4.0.

White Paper


Discover our vision on Augmented Reality, Mixed Reality and Virtual Reality, promising technologies which unleash the potential of your business.

White Paper

Engineering Innovation

Engineering Innovation Delivering the power of Innovation triggered by ideas.

White Paper

Where Business Meets Technology

We combine the business needs with the opportunities of new technologies to evolve and transform.

White Paper

Where Business Meets Technology

We combine the business needs with the opportunities of new technologies to evolve and transform.

White Paper

Digital Ecosystems & Composable Solutions

Where Your Business Meets Innovation.

Case Study

Our smart approach on Loyalty Marketing

More efficient and profiled marketing campaigns: our solution on cloud thought with Salesforce for a Big Player in the Oil market.

Discover the Ecosystem of Platforms and Solutions for Digital Transformation chosen by our Customers

Neta Open Suite

Engineering's Smart Energy & Utilities Platform

Neta Open Suite is Engineering's ERP and CRM system for managing the Energy & Utilities sector and smart metering and billing processes.