Engineering: leader della Digital Transformation

Engineering Innovation in

Smart Government


Real-time environmental monitoring

How to use IoT to improve monitoring of environmental changes and provide alerts.


Local communities and public organizations must make decisions for the good of citizens. Whether it is flooding or air quality measurements, the ability to monitor and detect environmental phenomena in real time is essential.
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The solution enables the control and monitoring of environmental phenomena on the ground.

The Multi-Risk Operational Centre (CFM 2.0) platform integrates a number of components based on the most advanced technologies in the field of Advanced Analytics and Internet of Things, as well as specialized activities and services for environmental data collection and analysis.

The system improves the collection, consultation, visualization, validation and selection of data for external publication.


  • IoT sensors make it possible to monitor and manage environmental data in real time. Experts can have more information at their fingertips and make predictions to keep citizens safe.

  • Alerts and bulletins, real-time updates on event trends, weather forecasts, civil defense plans, hazard maps, and post-event reports.

  • A web-based GIS (Geographic Information System) for consultation and a map server for publication can be used for both research and planning.

Expected Results

Improved data management

Real-time data analysis

Real-time updates on alerts and bulletins

Environmental data analysis models


AI Driven Value
Social Cohesion

Digital Ecosystems

Digital Citizenship