Case Study

Naples: a new urban mobility

The city of Naples looks to the future and through new digital tools simplifies the management of mobility and parking.

Where: italy
Naples is the first city in Italy for population density, with tens of thousands of cars passing through every day. A rather complex situation that often risks bringing inefficiency and inconvenience to citizens.
Faced with the need to regulate this vehicular flow and coordinate a growing number of technologies / services from different suppliers, ANM – Azienda Napoletana Mobilità S.p.A. has decided to focus on an efficient, flexible and fast-to-use integrated mobility management system: INES Cloud, the Municipia platform that allows the integration of hardware and software technologies to facilitate the management of urban mobility processes and services.
Digital Ecosystem
Digital Ecosystem
To give a sign of technological revolution in the metropolitan area of Naples, ANM initially focused on a platform capable of managing paid parking, parking permits for residents and access permits to the city's ZTL. Starting from these main fields of application that have distinguished ANM in the innovative path chosen by the Neapolitan administration to contribute decisively to solving the problem of traffic and parking in the capital through an international Smart Mobility program, ANM has continued the path of innovation based on the INES Cloud platform, regulating commercial mobile apps for the resale of services and making the platform one of the main pieces of future digital services: MaaS, ANM's next mobile app, full digital access to the various car parks in ANM's structure.

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