Case Study

Value-added services to boost acquiring activities

We provided support to a client in improving the performance of its SME and corporate acquiring business by offering new SEAs to merchants.

Where: italy
The acquiring market is undergoing a major development and change in terms of innovation. In particular, in Italy, the number of POS terminals has grown considerably in recent years, with more and more revolutionary instruments. Consumer habits are changing just as rapidly, with an increasing preference for digital and modern payment instruments. Finally, there is a strong consolidation of the services available to merchants, and the need for differentiation and margin recovery is emerging.
We started the project according to a framework divided into several phases. We focused on the identification and strategic definition of the business model, trying to identify the areas of greatest potential and development. We then conducted a benchmarking of the Italian SEA landscape, to better understand the reference context and existing opportunities.
Based on this analysis, we then assessed the opportunities and prioritised SEAs, identifying the areas on which to focus our efforts. At this point, we carried out a feasibility study and business case to better define the outline of our project and understand if and how it could be achieved. We then reviewed and defined the value proposition for the different merchant segments to ensure a value proposition suited to their specific needs. Finally, we designed and implemented the product, developing a viable strategy and business plan to meet the needs of each market segment.
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