16.11.2021 • Press Release

Innovative technologies and social responsibility

Engineering's commitment to sustainable development. The 8th edition of the Corporate Social Responsibility Report has been published. The projects and initiatives featured in the Report clearly highlight an ongoing convergence between the Group's core business and the development of a more sustainable and inclusive world, but this commitment is destined to grow significantly.

Commenting on the closing of the COP26 summit, Engineering's CEO Maximo Ibarra stated, “It's clear that the next technological challenge will be the development of solutions to combat climate change. We all must work towards implementing the agreements reached thus far and anticipating those not yet concluded”.

Streamlining technology by placing it at the service of citizens, communities and businesses, with a view to creating a more inclusive society and an economic system that can grow and maintain competitiveness while simultaneously safeguarding and improving environmental sustainability. This is Engineering's vision, a reaffirmation - as attested by the recently-published edition of the Corporate Social Responsibility Report - of the Group's 2020 commitment and involvement in outlining the digital transformation of the world around us and improving environmental, social and governance performance.

Engineering's Corporate Social Responsibility Report comes at a time when the need for collective reflection and concrete action has become, if possible, even more pressing, particularly by those involved in the developing tools and technological solutions capable of speeding up the process significantly.

On the closing of the COP26 summit, Engineering's CEO Maximo Ibarra declared, “In Glasgow, President Draghi emphasized the central role of innovative technologies in carbon capture, indirectly encouraging technology companies to increase their commitment to environmental transformation. COP26 was certainly a very inspiring event for us and it's our duty to shoulder even greater responsibilities and commitments towards implementing the agreements made there and expediting the conclusion of those not yet reached. Our Group also plans to invest in the search for technology solutions to protect the environment and aims to ensure that our activities - and those of our clients - achieve new environmental and social impact goals in view of 2030 and 2050".

Digital Transformation, where Engineering plays a leading role, is the main tool for the achievement of sustainability goals. The Group supports the creation of digital ecosystems to reconcile the needs of business and the opportunities offered by technology in the areas of social responsibility, inclusiveness and economic and environmental sustainability. Ecosystems enabling solutions for a Digital Citizenship that can improve citizen's lives and their relationship with institutions and territories; for an increasingly environmentally-aware Mobility; for sustainable use of energy resources; for a Well-being capable of safeguarding people's health and quality of life; for a remodelled financial system based on values such as inclusiveness and sustainability.

In conformity with the 3 ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) rating criteria for performance and sustainability, the 2020 Corporate Social Responsibility Report details the numerous strategies and approaches reflecting the company's concrete care for social and environmental issues and ethical management. These serious goals and commitments will be monitored over time, in accordance with Engineering's adherence to the UN Global Compact and its principles in the areas of human rights, labour standards, anti-corruption and environmental practices; our engagement with the Open-es community; our ongoing journey to achieving SA8000 Ethical Certification; our participation in CSR performance assessments, such as the CDP (formerly the Carbon Disclosure Project), for the improvement of the environmental impact and our affiliation to Valore D, an association to promote diversity and overcome the gender gap.

Engineering's 2020 Social Responsibility Report was redacted in accordance with the principles and methodology of the Core option of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)'s Sustainability Reporting Standards.