Research Project

SUMMIT: Multi-platform support for IoT applications

An open distributed platform to enahnce the development of IoT applications.

Where: italy
The IoT revolutionizes digital system development with interoperable devices and protocols. Recent advancements enable the creation of cutting-edge products and economically sustainable platforms. To maximize its potential, IoT must overcome challenges such as system fragmentation and the adoption of closed models rather than open platforms.
SUMMIT is dedicated to the ambitious goal of creating an integrated and continuously evolving IoT platform. With SUMMIT, we aspire to redefine the way IoT is conceptualized, developed, and utilized, fostering a connected world that is smarter, more sustainable, and more accessible to all. The project is funded by the PON “Enterprise and competitiveness” programme (ERDF 2014-2020).
SUMMIT proposes an architectural framework in which the network and smart objects are integrated via patterns that enable semantic interoperability, thereby ensuring the security, privacy and reliability of IoT applications. The interconnections between smart objects will be based on the adoption of SDN (Software-Defined Networks). Our experts will validate the infrastructure by a process of application and assessment in three real-life pilot applications related to smart building, smart health and smart manufacturing. Engineering is the project coordinator and, alongside its customary skills in the IT field, will supply the project with a robot (“Pepper”), microcontrollers such as Arduino and Raspberry, in-depth video cameras, and smartwatches.

To know more

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Use Case

Enable Traceability for AgriFood

How to use digital technologies to improve food chain traceability

Easy and Invisible Payment Experience

How to use “invisible payments” to make the shopping experience easier