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Smart Government

A new Alliance to accelerate Business Transformation in the Data Economy

Gaia-X, Big Data Value Association, FIWARE Foundation and International Data Spaces Association join forces to drive the adoption of data spaces across Europe and beyond.

Approach & Solution

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The new collaboration is called Data Spaces Business Alliance (DSBA) and it is the first initiative of its kind, bringing together the necessary industry players to realise a data-driven future in which organizations and individuals can unlock the full value of their data.

Data Spaces are viewed as key to achieving sovereign, interoperable and trustworthy data-sharing across businesses and societies – a key step to the data economy of the future.

With its rich, complementary set of players and skills, the Alliance has the ability to pull multiple levers that can simultaneously drive awareness, evangelise technology, shape standards and enable integration across industries.


Whereas data sharing practice is gradually growing over time, organisations often face significant barriers that prevent them from leveraging direct benefits. Here, Data Spaces come into the picture, bringing together data providers, users and intermediaries. Data Spaces play a key role in helping businesses to competitively extract value out of data also through Industrial AI, based on interoperability, portability, sovereignty, and trustworthiness.

Having over 1,000 members combined, the Alliance’s founding organisations - Gaia-X, Big Data Value Association, FIWARE Foundation and International Data Spaces Association - represent leading key industry players, associations, research organisations, innovators, and policy-makers from local, national, European level, and beyond.


One voice and a common framework

Bringing together data providers, users and intermediaries

1,000+ leading key industry players worldwide

Cross-industry expertise, resources and know-how

Project value


Enabling Technologies


Project Team

Research & Innovation