Engineering: leader della Digital Transformation

Engineering Innovation in



Digital Land Management System

A system to support the Lombardy Regional Health System in the transition to the new models of community medicine indicated by the PNRR (Mission 6) and DM 77/2022.

Approach & Solution

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This new digital system will be used by all the actors and facilities characterizing the new paradigms of proximity medicine (e.g., Community House, COT) to take care of patients, with particular reference to chronic and "fragile" categories, in close continuity with hospital and social-health network services.

In an organizational context that is still in full transformation, Engineering, in close collaboration with Aria Spa and the Lombardy Region, is designing and developing the system according to an "agile" approach so that it can more easily accommodate - digitally - the needs of healthcare organizations.

The ellipse Platform represents an "acceleration" factor that has made it possible to deploy a first version of this system in a short term (5 months).


The main features implemented to date are:
  • Intake: to record the request for taking charge related to a patient
  • Preliminary assessment: to conduct an initial assessment of the patient's condition/needs using specific assessment forms
  • Drafting and planning of the individual project: to manage the individual project and planning of all activities
  • Individual project monitoring: to check the progress of the individual project defined for the patient
  • Patient diary: to record significant activities/events related to the patient's course of care
  • Internal organization: to manage the organizational/logistical aspects of outreach facilities (e.g., resource census and booking agendas).


"The use of new technologies and innovative digital platforms must certainly be the basis of a new model for managing social and health services. Thanks to our collaboration with Engineering, we have launched a cutting-edge outreach medicine project, which, thanks to a major digitization of processes, will enable our regional health system to be even more inclusive and ready to respond in an increasingly timely and efficient manner to their care needs."

Ettore Fiore, Welfare Services Structure Manager of ARIA S.p.A.


Digitization of new models of territorial care

Hospital-territory integration and continuity of care

Support for multidisciplinary caretaking

Management and monitoring of the patient care pathway

Project value

Process performance

Enabling Technologies


Engineering proprietary products & other technologies


Project Team

Engineering Software Labs
Innovation Design
Data & Analytics