Engineering: leader della Digital Transformation

Engineering Innovation in

Smart Government

URBANAGE: enhanced URBAN planning for age-friendly cities

Urban Digital twins powered by Big Data analytics and Artificial Intelligence algorithms for data-driven decision-making in the field of urban planning for age-friendly cities.

Approach & Solution



In the digital era, with massive data production and enhanced analytical capacities, there is still enormous untapped potential in the use of disruptive technologies in the urban planning sector and the connected benefits and risks are still unclear.

Nonetheless, the older people are typically not incorporated in the mainstream of planning, so there is the risk of excluding this part of the population.

In this context, URBANAGE aims at assessing the potential benefits, risks and impact of implementing a long-term sustainable framework for data-driven decision-making in the field of urban planning for more accessible and age-friendly cities.


URBANAGE model is developed through an inclusive co-creation strategy with relevant stakeholders (municipalities and associations of category) and final users (citizen - older adults) and is based on a decision-support Ecosystem that integrates: multidimensional Big Data analysis, modelling and simulation capabilities, based on Artificial Intelligence and Urban Digital Twins, and gamification for enhanced engagement purposes.

Based on an in-depth understanding of user needs, the project has currently defined several use cases that involve the three public administrations involved (the cities of Helsinki and Santander and the Flanders region) and conducted the initial technological validation.

The project has received co-funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 programme - Contract No. 101004590.


Better informed decision making

Improved knowledge of disruptive technologies in Public Sector

More accessible and age-friendly urban environments

Project value


Enabling Technologies

AI & Advanced Analytics
Digital Twin

Engineering proprietary products & other technologies


Project Team

Research & Innovation