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TARI 2020: recupero evasione e ARERA

TARI 2020: recupero evasione e ARERA

Municipia organizza tre convegni in Sicilia sui nuovi criteri di determinazione delle tariffe.

Palermo, Enna, Taormina, January 28 - 30 2020

"TARI 2020: new criteria for determining tariffs in light of the ARERA resolutions. The role of managers and municipal administrations ": this is the focus of the three conferences organized in Sicily by  Municipia  together with the Local Authorities Study Center, Ekovision and the South Area Study Center.

The first appointment is in  Palermo on Tuesday 28 January, followed by  Enna (29 january) and Taormina (30 january). Participation is free upon compulsory registration.

There were several discussion points for the days: the impact of ARERA resolutions on the tariffs of environmental hygiene services, smart technologies for the final assessment of services and the collection of data functional to the determination of tariffs, management control for a new approach to challenges of ARERA.

Francesca Ventura - Head of Revenue Management - intervenes for Municipia on "Tools for recovery, evasion and compulsory collection and ARERA: solutions to the problems of the FCDE fund".


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