The prize, created to enable comparison and a services network in support of growth between the best representatives of the national business fabric, was awarded to Engineering on the day that the Shareholders' Meeting approved the 2017 Financial Statements, which saw the Group record significant consecutive growth, exceeding the major milestone of one billion euros (1,028 million euros) in production value.
Andrea Restelli, Deloitte Partner in charge of Best Managed Companies for Italy emphasized: "The response we received in this first edition was surprising and allowed us to find genuine excellence throughout the country: companies of different sizes and sectors, located in all the Italian regions, which proved to be robust, not only in terms of performance, but also for their ability to structure long-term strategies, for expertise in innovation, internationalization and in interpreting their role in the particular ecosystem where they operate. Italian entrepreneurship is proving itself once again capable of generating value both in traditional sectors and more innovative contexts, in which BMC companies are the undisputed stars".
Paolo Pandozy, CEO of Engineering stated: "I thank Deloitte and the Jury for the recognition given to Engineering's history, which, like that of many other companies, shows how, with the right entrepreneurial vision and the ability to implement the most ambitious strategies, without ever neglecting our human capital, we can grow dramatically without losing the values and flexibility that is often the competitive edge offered by smaller, family-oriented companies. For this reason, I hope this award - now in its first edition - will grow rapidly and in turn support and aid the development of the numerous excellent Italian entrepreneurial companies that today may still have SME dimensions but also great potential for development, giving them the possibility to access tools and networks to help generate value for the entire economic system".