-4ALL and 4SCHOOL, the two competitions that will accompany arrival of the Global FIWARE Summit 2019
-8,000 euro in total prize money and the possibility of internships with some of the primary promoters and partners, and specialized services by FIWARE
-All to be found at www.fiware.org and http://oia.eng.it/home.
Municipality of Genoa, FIWARE Foundation, University of Genoa, Liguria Region, Hub2Work and Liguria Digitale, are the promotors of OPEN INNOVATION CITY HACKATHON, the initiative designed to involve the city, its businesses and its young people in the program that will accompany arrival of the important Global FIWARE Summit 2019 appointment, which will be held from May 21 to 22 at Porto Antico.
OPEN INNOVATION CITY HACKATHON will be a real marathon of innovation that invites the protagonists of the city to come together in a working team to develop services and applications for Genoa, projects that look at intelligent development, resilience and sustainability of the city with the final goal of generating well-being for citizens.
All this using the Digital Enabler platform, powered by FIWARE, with the aim of demonstrating the concrete advantages of the development ecosystem that will be the protagonist of the May world summit.
OPEN INNOVATION CITY HACKATHON will be structured in two versions: 4All, dedicated to individuals (university students, researchers, professionals, operators, citizens); 4School, open to teams of high school students organized by their teachers.
There will be three starting challenges in which the teams will have to compare their development planning skills and, of course, all closely connected with the city of Genoa: Blue economy, Silver economy and Hi Tech. Discussion, definition of the themes and voting of the ideas will be managed through the Open Innovation Area platform http://oia.eng.it/home. On March 29, at Hub2Work, three working tables with the participation of the Fiware community, startups and local stakeholders will help define/launch the challenges.
Participation in the 4All Hackaton requires registration for the two days of study on software, challenges and networking on April 9 and 10 at Liguria Digitale; on April 5 the 4School Hackathon will be officially launched at Palazzo Ducale, as part of the Genoa Futura program promoted by the Liguria Region. Then there will be about a month available for working on and contributing with their projects to mark the path towards the Summit. Projects must be delivered by May 10 and presented to the Commission on May 14 in the Salone Nobile of the Faculty of Engineering.
The winners will receive their prizes on May 22, during the closing plenary session of the Global FIWARE Summit 2019, in front of the worldwide audience of experts.
For the three 4All challenges there will be a prize of 2,000 euro in gift vouchers, as well as an internship for all members of the three winning teams at Engineering, Liguria Digitale, FIWARE Foundation and other companies in the sector.
For the 4School challenge, the 2,000 euro prize in gift vouchers will be delivered to the school, as well as support and technology offered by FIWARE.
The jury will be composed of a representative of the Municipality of Genoa, FIWARE Foundation, University of Genoa, Hub2work, Liguria Digitale and the Liguria Region. Partners of the initiative are Confindustria Genova and Engineering.