Engineering: leader della Digital Transformation

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Digital Industry

Circular TwAIn: AI for Recycling, Reusing and Remanufacturing

An AI platform to increase the performance, resilience, and sustainability of direct manufacturing and process industries, promoting circular economy.

Approach & Solution

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The sensitivity of individuals, companies and Public Administrations on environment and climate change is increasing rapidly, leading investors and researchers to fund and develop solutions to reduce the waste and to revise the supply chain under a “green” feeling. This focus has translated into technological solutions mainly based on AI to assist manufacturers in many routinary activities. The limit of currently available solutions is that they are not considering an holistic approach.

Circular TwAIn proposes a fully digitalized chain, feeding AI-powered digital twins consuming data within an interoperable data space, which would be eligible to support multiple use cases while guaranteeing the full knowledge of the history of each part, product and process.
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Circular TwAIn provides seamless data-sharing solutions, data spaces with product-specific information, including sustainability and waste data, which are used to get accurate models to improve the overall product and production lifecycle, along the whole process value chain. The Project employs AI tools for a broad range of manufacturing processes.

Furthermore, the collaborative AI supports operators in daily activities and supervises algorithms to help humans in product/part recognition, disassembly, production and shopfloor process optimization.

Engineering is the Project Coordinator and is responsible of the delivery of the Reference Architecure, the circular Data Space(s) and the Marketplace.

The project has received co-funding from the European Union's Horizon Europe programme - Grant Agreement No. 101058585


Increased value of recycled/re-used components

Decreased time for de-manufacturing

Decreased CO2 emissions and unit process cost

Lower impact of manufacturing on the environment

Offers new economic opportunities for manufacturers and consumers exploiting AI at scale

Project value

Process performance
Cost cutting

Enabling Technologies

Digital Twin
AI Advanced Analytics

Project Team

Research & Innovation